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09/07/12 10:48 AM

#204381 RE: paratrooper-82nd #204378

trooper...a contradiction as stated by Nobles in SEC filings...

You know, the 'closeology' that's being touted...?

Your inital post states...

" simple language it is saying that revenues from the sale of recovered gold will go back into operations. For me that is not a problem. The more they are self sustaining the less they have to depend on financing. As far as wet seasons, again no problem. Gold recovery for the most part is a wet process. So instead of having to bring water to the site nature will do it for them. A little mud is of no concern."

And now you state...
"Kadin......i am aware of the challenges weather presents when mining. Mining of any type is dangerous and risky but you plan for such incidents. If the electricity goes out use the backup gen sets. If the pit floods pump it out. That is why most equipment used is gas or diesel powered. The environment does present problems to overcome. But most are not insurmountable. A good operator will succeed a bad one will not. Most know the challenges going in."


Perhaps you should tell Nobles they're not a good operator...

The following is directly from SEC filings...

"recovery difficulties due to an extended wet season which hinders access.

There are 2 well defined wet seasons...

A major rainy season (April - July) and minor rainy season (September - November)."

You de-emphasize enormous environmental conditions during the wet-season which no one has control over and current information from Ghana clearly refutes your understanding...

We're not talking about a little mud...

The structural design of the drainage has been identified as a main cause for the perennial floods in the area.

Unfortunately, the construction of N1 Highway which was initially considered to provide lasting solution to the problem has rather worsen the situation as all the gutters linking homes to the main drainage have been blocked.

The residents for the past twenty years have been battling with severe floods which have caused damage to properties and loss of lives.

Wa: Floods render many homeless...Monday, 3 September 2012

Or perhaps this ALERT may help you understand...
5 September 2012...

400,000 displaced by floods sweeping across West Africa

The flooding has also increased the risk of water-borne diseases. In Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Niger, the flooding has exacerbated a cholera epidemic which has already claimed the lives of several dozen people.

Or perhaps electricity outages will help make this muddy mess clearer...?
The recent spate of power outages in the country has created anger, frustration and much debate as to the nature of these power outages.

In the heat of this frustration and anger the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has come in for much criticism in its inability to deliver power to the country.

Yet another power outage plunges entire country into total darkness...August 22, 2012, 06:19 GMT

The entire country was once again plunged into total darkness last night following another nationwide blackout, the third such incident this year.

The blackout which hit at about 7pm lasted for nearly four hours and even longer in some other parts of the country.

Disenchanted customers of the utility company who had access to the social media expressed outrage on the internet.

Unlike the previous incidents this year, the Ghana Grid Company says it is yet to establish the cause of the problem.

The nationwide power outage meanwhile comes at a time electricity consumers are being told a load-shedding exercise thought to have been suspended after a month would last a while longer.

Officials at the Electricity Company of Ghana tell Joy News they have also been experiencing a number of hitches which have compounded the supply shortfall prompted by the gas supply problems in Nigeria.

And lest we not forget the Shortage Of Lpg And Frequent Power Outages
Politics of Monday, 3 September 2012...
We the members of Greater Accra Region of Nana Addo for President 2012(NAFOP) wish to express our displeasure, the persistent shortage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), as well as the unbearable power outages across the country.

This means that it is not well with our energy system. The truth must be told. Ghanaians are wailing under darkness every now and then. Businesses are collapsing; investors are vacating their companies and factories, because of bad management of our energy system.


"recovery difficulties due to an extended wet season which hinders access."

And that's nature for you! Ghana style!