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09/29/05 12:13 PM

#16532 RE: jonesieatl #16530

Jonesie this is good news for your scan.
When you do finally begin to place money on the table you'll have some confidence in the picks. Learn to set those stops and you'll do fine. me thinks.


09/29/05 5:57 PM

#16538 RE: jonesieatl #16530

Here's something you may find of interest, rumor of them being bought out by competitor... It's 20 days old, but recent spike may be due to insiders buying.

Whitehall Ends Week -82%

By Jeff Miller Posted: 9/9/2005 4:53 PM

(Rapaport...September 9, 2005) Whitehall Jewellers Inc., suspended trading for a time on September 7, which is not unusual pending a big announcement. The announcement arrived the following day that its future CEO, Beryl Raff, wasn't taking the job after all. But its stock trading halt also followed inquires from the New York Stock Exchange of a rapid drop in share price (a decline of 22 percent on September 6,) to which Whitehall said it could offer no reasons.

Whitehall's shares have averaged in the $6-range during August and closed at $5.56 on the Rapaport News stock watch on September 2, 2005. Shares fell to 98-cents on September 9, but closed at $1.01, or down 82 percent during the week.

Trade of Whitehall (JWL) shares is typically less that 25,000 per day or less. But during the week volume exceeded 3.1 million shares and only eight shareholders own 500,000 shares or more each.

A press report from the United Kingdom indicated something might be up. The Daily Mail suggested that Whitehall competitor, London-based Signet plc., could "enhance" its earnings by at least 5 percent with a $200 million acquisition of its competitor in the United States. Whitehall would not return phone calls at press time.