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09/05/12 3:57 PM

#163796 RE: scon #163791

What gave that away, the fact that he publicly stated "BBDA does not need to raise capitol through investors anymore," about a month ago.


09/05/12 3:58 PM

#163797 RE: scon #163791

He also said he is only going to take a few of us with him! The few of us who HOLD! #Buyback


09/05/12 4:02 PM

#163802 RE: scon #163791

Exactly! He can give out all the information he wants, once registered with the SEC. But by not being registered, he can say what he wants and not be held responsible.

Very smart guy.

....and shareholders think is is doing a buyback...WHAT?

Why would he use his own money to buy back shares? TO MAKE SHAREHOLDERS happy?

Its a joke and the joke is on the shareholders, which will be the punchline.


09/05/12 5:21 PM

#163836 RE: scon #163791

BW taking the company from public to private? HAH, yah, it will take a long time for him to do that, it would be expensive, very expensive. Its most likely not in his best interest. For him to do so would require lots of auditing and very serious monitoring by the SEC as it is a very regulated process. Don't see that happening soon. Besides, you have to remember that just because a company is public, pink, private or whatever. That does NOT protect a business owner from civil suit. If you take money from investors in a fraudulent manner, you can expect civil suit and federal charges. There are enough walking "lessons" of people out there who have done this in the past and that money sure isn't doing them much good behind bars.

The word he used in that statement was "sometimes". Sometimes he wished he could just blab on about their success. But he cannot because he has to watch what he says and make "official" PR's.

He has to be careful if he goes private. Class action lawsuits will rip a newly wealthy individual of their wealth fairly quickly. He would probably have to settle out of court and pay up then further he would be at risk of charges of fraud. SEC pink does not make you immune to criminal federal law.