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09/28/05 4:52 PM

#57 RE: Here comes the night #56

Just talked to Kendall.

He immediately said this is a time where he can't say a word about anything right now. Then he said "...but hopefully soon...errr, nope, I really can't say even that" it sounded like he was going to say something positive about hearing something soon but stopped himself.

I asked him if they're hiring and surely that is a question he can answer because I could be a non-shareholder looking for work. He said they might be in certain specialized fields, what was I interested in? Told him just asking in general to get information thinking this couldn't possibly be a hush-hush question and he said he really can't even comment on that.

I asked him if he could talk after the earnings report about what's in the report and he said that would be okay.

I thanked him for his time and told him I understood perfectly if he can't say a word about anything and hung up.

My overall impression, FWIW, is he was biting his lip very hard, nearly slipped it out something. When I asked about the hiring question there was a mild sigh and pause unsure how to handle that question whereas prior when I asked it he said quite quickly they weren't hiring. This time I got the impression that I caught him off guard and he wanted to avoid answering it.