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08/30/12 9:11 PM

#13987 RE: PianoMan75 #13986


I have these details too; we've been asked (and the "we" is anyone that emails and asks for updates) to NOT re-post information but to direct people that want the information to and to investor relations

Now, I do suppose any one of us could simply re-post the data; I do not believe there is anything illegal in doing that once it is given to us but then I doubt they would continue to be forth coming with us going forward after a scenario like that.

So far, those of us that have this communication with the company have been "following instructions / company directives"

There are a couple of posters that have indicated "if this is public information why is it not available publicly" - I sort of agree with the sentiment in part but I also look at things as follows:

It is - if ANYONE wants it they can ask for it; that makes it publicly available.

For some, the fact that it is not posted here or on the SMOKY website as a released PR, that it is not publicly available.

Police arrest records are publicly available; they are not posted anywhere but if you call [MUNICIPALITY POLICE] they will give you whatever is publicly available.

So would I like more of this "go ahead and ask and you shall receive" data publicly posted? Sure. I think it would be better than reading all the unintentional and sometimes intentional posturing / positioning by the shorts and the longs to manipulate the stock price.

I think news will come out when it's substantial.

I believe it will be shortly forthcoming.

I have put my money where my mouth is.

And for now I'll leave it at that.