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08/30/12 3:31 PM

#183393 RE: DesertDrifter #183389

the thing is .. even Clint can't buy romney the presidency ... clint doesn't have a chance either! ..I guess he would be a
part of "taking our country back" ? .. Back to the fifties? ..... NO Thank You, sir! .. ;) We're NOT GOING BACK! ..We're Going


08/30/12 4:06 PM

#183398 RE: DesertDrifter #183389

Close Friend of Romney: Clint Eastwood Is Thursday's 'Mystery Speaker'

Elizabeth Flock August 30, 2012

A close friend of Mitt and Ann Romney confirmed to Whispers Wednesday night that Clint Eastwood is indeed Thursday's mystery speaker at the Republican National Convention.

"It's him," said Paul Gilbert, who has known the Romney family for nearly a decade and served as the GOP presidential candidate's Arizona state chair. "I can confirm that, 100 percent."

Eastwood, a long-time Republican and former mayor of his hometown in California, Carmel, endorsed Romney earlier this year. At an August fundraiser, Eastwood said he believed Romney would "restore a decent tax system" to create "fairness."

Politicians on the convention floor, however, weren't too excited about the man with no name.

"I don't know," said Florida tea party congressman Allen West of the Eastwood pick. "I don't know."

Phyllis Schlafly, an 88-year-old conservative activist known for her opposition to modern feminism, told Whispers from the convention floor: "I don't think I have anything to say about that. I don't go to the movies."

But "he'll pull it out," she predicted of Eastwood's speech.

Former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, who famously resigned as chair of the Republican Governors Association in 2009 after admitting an affair with an Argentine woman, said he had no idea if Eastwood was coming.

"But I know," said Jason Miller, a Republican operative who once served on Sanford's campaign and who was standing with the governor. Miller refused to confirm it was Eastwood. "First rule of fight club is don't talk about fight club," he joked.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer gushed when she heard the mystery speaker's identity. "Oh, I just think he is fabulous," she said.

Jan Brewer and Clint these days.. look like brother and sister.. very nice ! ...


08/30/12 4:16 PM

#183401 RE: DesertDrifter #183389

According to CNN, it's Clint Eastwood and I suppose he'll bring a gun for everyone - the U.S. can't have enough guns on the street.


08/30/12 7:04 PM

#183419 RE: DesertDrifter #183389

Jon Voight Endorses Romney/Ryan Ticket & "2016" Film - Neil Cavuto - RNC Convention - 8-29-12
Published on Aug 29, 2012 by RightSightings

Academy Award Winning Actor, Jon Voight sits down with FBN's Neil Cavuto at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, to discuss the current political climate in the country. Jon also weighs in with his reasons for strong endorsement of the Romney/Ryan ticket as well as strongly recommending that all Americans owe it to themselves to see the film '2016' so they can see the truth about President Obama's real agenda for America.


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