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08/26/12 2:40 PM

#8597 RE: Bretwalda #8596

People need to understand the world stage market is changing... See this article.

“China and India are housing the equivalent of the entire population of Canada every 18 months,” notes from Carney’s speech said.

“In parallel, a massive new middle class is being formed, growing by 70 million people each year and representing a fast-rising share of global demand for all types of goods.”

It’s that growth that makes the emerging economies so important.

“There’s nothing deep here,” said James Brander, Asia-Pacific professor of international business and public policy at the University of B.C.’s Sauder School of Business.

“These economies, because they are emerging and because they are growing rapidly, are becoming an important part of the world scene.

“China’s now the world’s second-largest economy and probably in my lifetime — and I’m not very young — China will become the world’s largest economy,” Brander said. “So it’s just getting to be pretty darn important.”