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08/25/12 7:10 PM

#3126 RE: ahimsak #3125

Thanks for doing the research you guys history does repeat itself at times I wonder what the alamanac says .
These are interesting times to say the least lowest volume in years. A fed that will do anything to prop it all up and every number that comes from goverment sources seems suspect.
My business is doing awful my mechanic says this is his worst summer ever after 25 years .
We live in Hampton roads va. housing has remained strong for years here due to the military but I wonder how long it will last .
I am all for a strong defense but we can't afford all this .
It seems the military would be easier than entitlements to cut .
the economy does have strength lots of foreclosure even here and people are buying them from realtors getting them from there banker buds or lawyers in the know and mortgage brokers the average person pays retail its sad the same crew that got us in this mess is profiting again .
Myself and some other investors tried to to but but were unable as they were gobbled up by the good old boy network I gave up.
I kind of reminds me of these quant guys and high frequency programs that we trade against seems all the odds are against the little guy.