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08/23/12 3:54 PM

#57157 RE: woops #57156

Yes he seems to have a good take on what is going on, and is very articulate. Hopefully he is in touch with the lawyers on our side.
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08/23/12 5:32 PM

#57158 RE: woops #57156

Looks like we are buddies on a different board
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08/24/12 1:34 AM

#57168 RE: woops #57156

Interesting thread. Thanks for sharing the link.

As for "eccentric", I think you are too kind. As for "he makes sense" and being "very articulate", I'll leave that for others.

While the entire thread was most entertaining, in Letterman fashion, here is my top ten favorite paragraphs (and limiting myself to just ten was not easy):


one thing that might help is that in the science of measure the term "dimensions" means the physical quatities used so speed is distance over time, einstein set the speed of light to 1 and then they they drop some units


to this end field energy is monotonically decreasing with the distance from the source (say wifi router) likewise so is distance (obviously) hence in all the the rarest cases one can conceive of the mapping, though not linear, is 1-1 and onto for all radial movement components. hence the function is "invertable"


of course there is "robustness" but then its even more clear that nothing "special" is happening because they are going back to lying with statistics and playing games with sums where again in the end its the user position that matters either there is a singularity into star trek style "hyperspace" or nothing special is happening


Here tmobile fall into that trap because the something special is kaos, that is the hysterisis follows a fractal pattern and the more they recalculate their sums the faster and the more precise they become the more useless the phone becomes and eventually the phone would actually blow up


eat crap tmobile....;)


for those that believe in evolution, not me, perhaps people will be free flowing energy then there is no real user position by then we will be telepathic so none of this will matter


as a final not you, tmobile and lawyers are probably asking themselves why don't i work for you, its because you are a bunch of retards like the fat man


and what about the ff pos and his cadre of scums?


Yoka to Bantha poodoo!


this is good for now, and maybe sufficent, you need experts to put this together in a way that works for the case without their discresion there is no telling what may happen

Yahoo threads aside, when it comes to the post Markman definition of "pre-established vicinity range", the only opinion that matters is Judge Payne's opinion.

Repeating from Post #57148:

Based on reading T-Mobile-CCB pages 9-15 (Preliminary Statement pages 5-11), it looks like the definition of "pre-established vicinity range" is key. If the post Markman criteria for auto-switching ends up being based on / limited to "predetermined, fixed distance" and not on some permutation of signal strength / signal quality / signal-to-noise, I doubt I'll be counting my chickens before they hatch ... or ordering any premature manhattans ... with or without cherries.