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08/22/12 6:49 PM

#195267 RE: paige386 #195262

I'm not interested in placing any large "investment" with a known Sociopathic liar.

Jb has had every chance to prove the process, yet amazingly for someone who alledgedly has the crown jewels for turning plastic into fuel at a cost of $10 per barrel - he refuses to prove it.

Instead of shouting from the mountain tops while proving his solution he dances around it, while obscuring all earnings reports with the cardboard recycling income.

Instead of being transparent as earlier promised, one can only expect that this will probably, only be further obscured with fuel purchased to blend - in the near future.

If the SAIC report was everything he claimed it to be, he would have certainly released it. Anyone with any kind of brains at all would have made the report public, while redacting any confidential formula - to effectively stop all naysayers in their tracks.

I don't believe for one minute that this was a requirement made by SAIC to not release a paid for report as IR claims, and instead I believe he's still hiding something he doesn't want others to know.

The company doesn't even go as far to quote SAIC saying the process is viable, in fact they don't quote a thing, instead they hide the report while saying they were happy with the results, and it's their (JBI's)opinion it's viable.

I stand by my earlier comments that the SAIC report isn't worth squat, as it only shows what the procesor can do after 3 heavy weeks of cleaning "to get it just right". What happens after 3 days of running with all the new and alledgedly, never before discovered petcoke fouling problems, etc?

Before he alledgedy knew about the - never discovered before fouling problems (fouling issues weren't disclosed until the AGM 2012), he claimed 75% up time.

You can probably kiss the old uptime percantages goodbye, with these newly discovered problems, without a new solution. So what's the new current uptime without a new solution - 3 days, after 3 weeks of heavy cleaning?

Don't you find it odd that he only discovered the petcoke fouling problems in the second quarter of 2012, after announcing the commencement of commercial comprehensive fuel prodution in 2010?

All of that coupled with all the past lies from the company, leads me to believe that this company is not investable at this current time, if ever.

So your not interested in Agigoo and your comments lead me to believe that you think JBI is an investable stock.

Is that right?