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08/21/12 4:55 PM

#73766 RE: Bobinsd #73762

Can everyone please stop couching political rants as HLNT discussions? It's obvious, off topic, and inapplicable since there has been zero government money discussion from the company every since the AR grant attempt.

Understand that both major political parties exist to concentrate power from their base by pandering via earmarks and empty philosophical rhetoric. We all know a bit of TA here right? Right. So go chart the US deficit and debt and notice that the trend is always UP regardless of which party is in power at any level of federal government. The gross trend is increased spending by all because spending buys votes, plain and simple. Some people have their votes bought by environmental ideas, some by military, some by a pro or anti socialism stance, but neither party is advocating reducing the amount of money they have available to keep themselves in power. The only thing that makes sense is what any household would do in the same debt scenario: raise revenue AND cut spending. No sane household only does one or the other. Who stops looking for a raise because they started cutting coupons? And who increases credit card spending on top of their unpayable debt because they got a marginal raise?

Cui Bono? The only people benefitting from the childish and illusionary left/right political divide in this country are the politicians who exploit it. Tell your reps to stop talking about the other guy and start talking about their own specific detailed plans to turn this county around. Boo anything else.

Ok, back to HLNT now, thanks.


08/21/12 5:02 PM

#73770 RE: Bobinsd #73762

Very well said Bob, They know the affects of using a food (corn)for fuel will bring this great country down. its amazing that a simple non Govt backed company such as HLNT can produce something we need that saves energy even with the EPA doing everything in its power to prevent that very thing. deisel cars in the UK get an average of 45 MPG of couarse they dont meet U.S. EPA emmission standard's.
OH i'm sure PD would agree; they didnt build this company Obama did!


08/25/12 8:54 AM

#74343 RE: Bobinsd #73762

Wow...WRONG again pal. Who do you think those subsidies go to?? The ethanol producers?? WRONG,they go the the OIL companies for blending the ethanol into the fuel.

Taking food off your table or mine?? Get real,the corn they use is for ONE purpose only--starch. After the starch is removed the corn kernal is used for cattle feed,it's not thrown in the trash. You know that saying "corn feed beef" well there you go. In the future it's possible that corn will no longer be used,there are better sources being found out such as grasses and other plants.

BTW...Instead of our TAX $$$$ paying farmers to sit on their butts and not grow anything they are now growing corn where our tax subsidies used to be used to be paid for nothing to be grown. Sounds like a winner to me.