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08/21/12 1:20 PM

#53171 RE: Bernija1 #53166

Bernija1, first of all welcome back from your RM trip I mean RV trip,glad you made it back safe and sound, But as to the bad you find on Mr. Beatty, Really? Who doesn't get involved in a law-suit during a 45 year career? Is that really what your judging this man on? Ok then this is really scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I believe his good still has you beat,and I can't even say that was a good try.


08/21/12 2:12 PM

#53178 RE: Bernija1 #53166

So a government agency closed a tax loop (like that never happens) and greedy lawyers trying to hold Trinity liable for this and this shows Beatty as a crook??? That is about a big of stretch as imaginable. It shows the true character of the man if people have to dig this deep to find anything negative against him.