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Replies to post #9412 on Mariner*

Replies to #9412 on Mariner*


09/12/12 1:19 PM

#9487 RE: Alex G #9412

Hello, Alex: A debate forecast:

See Think We for facts and references.

Well, Tea Party members, you’ve hit your short-term goals. With four-words-or-less slogans, you’ve become the Bumper Sticker Party. You have positioned the Republican Party for failure in the long run and robbed America of a viable two-party system.

While doing its best to stifle President Obama’s administration for four long years, the Tea Party has done grave harm to America’s middle and lower classes. You did provide your favorite sons, Romney and Ryan, with some quick, easy votes, but you turned them into your Bumper Sticker Candidates and much of America public is seeing through the charade.

During the upcoming debates, watch your candidates use specious sloganeering in a desperate bid to masquerade as saviors of our troubled economy. Pity them as they mouth inanities to counter actual thinking from the likes of President Obama and Vice-President Biden.

Did the Tea Party really think the majority of us would be permanently suckered with:

“No New Taxes” for the fabulously wealthy; “Less Government” means more services; “Fire the Teachers” helps our kids; “Break The Unions” advances the working class; “Cut costs” but only for the helpless; “Let The Uninsured Die” to defeat Obama’s health care reforms; “Privatize Social Security” forcing seniors to gamble in the stock market; “State Run Social Security” because 50 fingers in the pie are better than one; “Cancel Social Security” because the old geezers don’t deserve it anyway; “Privatize Everything In Sight” because America’s big bankers and Wall Street have proven we can trust them “Execute Death-Row Innocents” because means justify bumper sticker ends.

For America’s democracy to work, we sure need the Tea Party to shape up after this election. If not, we will soon bear witness to what once a fine political movement as the Republican Party turns into a hollow shell of its glory days.

We all lose if that happens.