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08/21/12 1:29 AM

#53812 RE: RKYMNT4 #53809

You made my night, RKY! lol It just might be the show of the year of Guyer pulls off what we think he might. I'll nominate him for an oscar, emmy, or whatever they give out for such a potential coup. No crap, if the shorts wake up with their panties around their ankles, it's going to be a veritable hootenanny! Guess I better call in sick?



08/21/12 1:35 AM

#53816 RE: RKYMNT4 #53809

Save me a seat, Im going to join you!
I'll even gring some Bourbon for the big gulp and my own medication! (We can mix and match a few differeny colors, RKY!!)

No plans for tomorrow, so I might as well watch the $CGFIA show. Better than HBO!


08/21/12 2:08 AM

#53834 RE: RKYMNT4 #53809

RyyMnt4--- Prozac wont do it for them--they will walk into a MCDonalds and shoot down 12 people cause they were not served fast enough. That is a fuckin fact DW Calton Rph Phd Pharmacy
Sorry but that damn joke is not a joke anymore,
There are so many f up people in this country now that it scares me to death and I have to face the bastards every day!!!!

Yeah life is good if yoiu are not in health care--work for the fing Govnt -thats the ticket. Live off of my taxes.... shit I am going to bed-exausted-burned out and totally fatiqed.

Good luck to you all------I an taking a long break from CGFIA--please let me know if something POSITIVE happens -other thanb that I just do not plain give a shit anymore

Later sometime Grizz I am so sick of this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!