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08/20/12 7:27 PM

#10551 RE: Majobuki #10550

Majobuki: As far as I can tell the damage has already been done to LDSR by the criminal actions of Kahlon and TJ Management Group. The SEC did not indicate any sanctions or (other) Administrative Proceedings against LDSR or any of the other stocks.


08/28/12 12:55 AM

#10556 RE: Majobuki #10550

LDSR investors might be interested in a new forum for consolidated due diligence information and discussion about the companies that issued shares to TMJ Management:


09/09/12 7:03 PM

#10557 RE: Majobuki #10550

I have been a shareholder of several years now back in the days when Snowman, Corners, Marine, and the preacher were still around. I doubt that LDSR shares are worth enough to cover the sales commission or that there will be value in the future. Sorry to say that; I lost close to $5,000 on that great deal.