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09/24/05 7:14 PM

#33468 RE: frogdreaming #33461

frog, not to be argumentative; more for clarification than anything else, hasn't Tony basically tweeked Admixture Mapping to his advantage? Given your knowledge of Dr. Shrivers imput in collaberation w/ Dr. Frudakis, it would seem to me you might be able to bring some light to this discussion.

I am not a knowledgeable person in reguards to the science presented here, nor do I understand Bayesian Theory, so in essence, I stand exposed as an ignornant investor that utilizeses what little I have garnered thru life experiences.

What is apparent is that Dr. Frudakis has been able todate to identify, with certainty, thru ADMIXMAPtm to determine the ancestery of an individual. No other company has been able to accomplish this to my knowledge. Now I don't know how this will play out in the medical field. This is the big question out there, as presented to me. If he has a "lock" on something that would give an edge to a Pharmacuetical Company, then I can see why there (might) be adverse pressure being applied to DnaPrint to obscurity. Hey, this is just me being as real as I can be. Where are you? Come on out from behind the corporate structured verbage and give it a go. Do damage if it is what you want, or give it a rest. I have alot invested here, as I have stated. It is not the money, and I just want to know "what it TIS"