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02/21/03 4:53 PM

#6447 RE: mtnlady #6445

>>Using Scripture to prove ones case of course
>>“Is Homosexuality in and of itself a sin?”

Yes, according to Romans 1

Regarding "different interpretations", Luther, slavery, et al -These are interpretations faithful to the text and are corrections of false teachings that crept in through the years.

They are not "different" from the plain meaning of the text - they are "different" from error.

>>Proclaiming that anyone having a different “interpretation” of God’s Word is a “false prophet” is a pretty heavy accusation no?

I do not claim that your understanding of the Bible's teaching on this subject is "different". I claim it is utterly false and if you perpetuate it you come under a strict judgment (enforced by God - not me personally). It is a very serious accusation and I make it without hesitation.

James 3:1 Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgment.

I submit myself to the same standard, since I am perpetuating a certain understanding. I am ready to meet Christ face-to-face and have Him judge if I am faithful to His teaching on the subject.