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02/21/03 12:44 PM

#6427 RE: Jar #6424

Does Homosexuality appear in lower life forms? I wonder what their excuse might be if practiced and do they know they're violating god's laws? Of course not being able to enjoy the after life I'm sure they would not care if they engaged in such sinful behavior as it must not be a sin to them.

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02/21/03 1:29 PM

#6436 RE: Jar #6424

Again Jar I think your thoughts are still skewed by the notion that homosexuality is in and of itself a sin. Therefore such a sin is comparable to stealing, lying etc.. If you look further you will see that stealing, lying, bank robbery, fornication etc… are all sins that break the great commandment of love. They are acts that in and of itself are a) harmful to either you or someone else and b) harm ones relationship with God. As such they break the great commandment of love. On the other hand ones sexual orientation in and of itself is spiritually neutral.

As far as “twisting God’s word” nothing could be further from the truth! If you know of any other places in the Bible outside of the 3 passages in the NT (all of which I alluded to) and the 3 passages in the OT (2 are related to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the 3rd concerning the Levitical Law) I would be most interested in hearing it.

Now I have a question for you. According to your interpretation that Homosexuality is in and of itself a sin. According to Matthew 7:18-20 which spiritual fruit would you expect a “gay” Christian to exhibit? What would it mean if instead they exhibited the full gambit of fruits listed in Galatians 5:22-23? Further how would you explain them leading others to Christ knowing that satan would never do such a thing for it would be “dividing” his house (Luke 11:17-20). Further more what if some of these people had even been given many (if not most) of the spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12 (remember the story of Peter in Acts 11:15-17)? How do you reconcile the two? Is such a thing even possible knowing that “light” and “darkness” can have no fellowship (2 Cor 6:14) and that there is no such thing as spiritual “neutrality” (Mark 9:38-40, Matthew 6:24, 23:8)?

Now I tell you the truth Jar – I have seen it in our church and countless others across the United States and abroad. There is a great Christian movement happening RIGHT NOW in the gay community. But it isn’t quite following the ‘program’ you and mls may think it might! But then that is the beauty of God no?! His ways are far beyond our own. Born in a stable our King of kings came always to the lost and down trodden. He did not follow the finally set rules, regulations, time line and agenda the Pharisees and Sadducees had proscribed! God’s will is, and will, always be done! He will always find a way to reach His people (not necessarily ‘your’ people mind you! Lol!). And He still brings the same message of love and forgiveness he brought to you Jar! A love without boundaries and a mercy without end. And yes, He even invited the Romans, Gentiles, blacks, women and….. gays(!) to His table. Selah