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08/11/12 5:37 PM

#181481 RE: StephanieVanbryce #181480

The Real Wimp Factor: Romney Picks Paul Ryan

By Oliver Willis August 11,2012

Mitt Romney is afraid of his own party. There’s no other sane reason why Romney would pick the otherwise lackluster Paul Ryan to share the Republican ticket with him. The true leaders of the Republican party – the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the Weekly Standard, Rush Limbaugh and company – have agitated for the Ryan pick, and like a good boy Romney did as told.

At this late date, when he should be turning the page on the primaries and focusing on the general election, Romney still needs to get conservatives on board with his lackluster campaign. As such, when he should be moving to the center and appealing to mainstream voters, he’s still having trouble convincing the base that he’s one of them (he isn’t, and never will be).

Apparently Romney is already running away from Ryan’s safety-net shredding roadmap. But it’s too late for that anyways. Ryan’s plan is the Romney plan, and his pick of a running mate cements that.

I actually laughed out loud when I heard news of the pick,
because it cements just how afraid Romney is of the conservative base. It also shows that he sees the need for decisions that are just slightly below picking Palin to bring his reluctant base on board.

It really is good news for Barack Obama.