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08/10/12 3:34 AM

#52453 RE: SkunkRiverTradingCo #52450

Can this be a sticky post? And are there answers for those Qs?

I share the same concerns as Grizz

Thanks for this post



08/10/12 4:10 AM

#52456 RE: SkunkRiverTradingCo #52450

Hey GRIZZ, I understand how you feel.
Here are a few items that may help.

Kuni sent me a reminder from the recent press release that stated the funding used on the reduction of the mortgage on the POW mill will also supply the funding to construct the impound area for the dry stack area. So Guyer has that in process already.

The approval with conditions (5 in total) said no milling till the impound is completed. This is because the tailings are considered an environmental issue. Stacking the tailings, dry or not, outside in the rain and snow would result in leaching of the cyanide residue onto the membrane. The impound was not designed to accumulate large quantities if water, so it must be at least for the most part, weathertight. If not, a system will need to be in place to deal with that accumulation of "contaminated" water.
So the clear span cover protects the tailings from possibly leaching contaminants into the soil. (When the impound is full, it will be capped just like the settling ponds and the clear span cover dismantled and moved to a new site to be reused.) So, yes, there is a reason that things need to be done in order, at least for the impound.

I'm not sure about the old ponds, but there is the bond still in place on them. $500K+ in cash bond, most of which is to be returned when the recovery work is completed. That may not be necessary before the mill restarts, but it certainly is to CGFI's advantage to complete it and get the cash back.

The C&D seems to be partially in place. CGFI can ready the mill and freely conduct other work there now, but just not process ore. Before today, ANY work needed the ok from the DRMS before it could be done. So it seems like it is removed, except for accepting and milling ore. Plant renovations are now ok to do.

As far as the PR about today's hearing goes, I think we need to give Steve Guyer a little time to get the PR written and out into the public. He just got word last night about the withdrawal of all objectors, but the official word from the MLRB didn't happen until this morning. (And it is a small company, so we don't really have a PR department...yet.
I think a day or so may be acceptable to plan the wording and get it out. And don't forget that he may judge Monday is a better day to release the PR. (I'm no expert on those PR things, but I can see some advantages to waiting till Monday to alert the stock media.)

So far I see Guyer as being a calculating, shrewd, man who plans well and has had a lot of tenacity to accomplish what he has so far. He may not have done it on our schedule, made a few mistakes, and he certainly did piss off a few people, but he is "getting it done". He also should know much more than we do, so let him play the chess game the way he thinks it needs to be done.
He has as much on the line, personally, as we all do. He is in this to win. I still think he will make us all a basket of bucks!!
It is still a waiting game for us. But Guyer and company can now get to work on the dry stack prep.
Let's give him a couple of days to catch his breath and dig in to the next item, the merger and chill.
Fearn and staff can do the mill stuff. Guyer can work on the money.

Hang in there GRIZZ. It's not easy to watch and wonder, but we can't expect Guyer to be too open with his plans. If he tells us what his next move is, he also tells the vultures and buzzards who would surely pick every bit of meat off our bones.
CGFI is still vulnerable right now. Knowledge is power. Controlling the knowledge is even more power. Trust him just a bit longer. Your blood pressure will appreciate it!
You know we are all hoping for the best, buddy!
Besides, I need you to help me find an appropriate bike to ride around the back country with you guys. So don't blow a gasket on us! ;-)
Enjoy the progress we have so far. More will be on the way soon.


LJ Silver

08/10/12 10:42 AM

#52484 RE: SkunkRiverTradingCo #52450

Hey Griz, Nice rant BTW!! I was feeling a little fed up last night too.
Anyways items 1 & 3,

1-AMNP (which has sh*t for assets and anything and goes to 4 cents today--what a crock. We have a moi till end aug everyone thinks we are going to merge with them (as they jack up the porice) I have seen nothing about a merger cept speculation only
There is no merger on tap. Moi in effect till end Aug so why is everyone thinking we are going to merge with them--to get rid of ==chill by faking a new name etc Why the hell are wi chilled anyway
are we crokked or WTF...why are we chilled and no one lets us buy CGFIA

3 Removal of chill by DTcc When how shere and why? anyone have any answers Really answers not just some opinion...If we have to merge and change our name I will buy that--then the reason for a
potential buyout (of a comp that is worthless buts shares go up
1.5 cnets today Crap. Are we buying out--MOI what the f are we doing it or not if it is to clear chill--why the hell do we have a chill are we crocked-cheated on shares-what made DTCC put us on this list>>>>>>>anyone>>>>???? It really sucks guys and gals quote]

First, we are chilled because in the past we had no permit thus we wern't a working company. I look at the AMNP moi as an exchange. We give them shares in return for their clean shell that is not chilled. I have said this before but after Guyer does a swap of shares for their shares Guyer then owns a clean, empty shell correct? He could take that empty shell, change the name, set up a new as os for it. He could then do another share swap. Move everyone from CGFIA back over to the old, now new clean shell. Now we all have shares of a company that is not chilled, celler boxed, ect. All it cost him was a swap of shares and filing some paperwork. Easy peesy japaneese. I'm telling you this would work. JMO


08/10/12 11:34 AM

#52496 RE: SkunkRiverTradingCo #52450

Is the CD still in place?

Yes. guyer did not accomplish lifting the C&D this time. The permit status will now be updated on the DRMS site as C&D and the warranty will be close to a million or more as soon as the DRMS recalculates the costs. Now guyer will be at risk in losing more of your money to the DRMS if he doesn't comply with ALL conditions.

I guess I do not understand why we can not mill ore and fix the stuff as we go to satisfy the condiations.

Milling creates toxic results and materials. Pow must first guarantee the mill can protect the environment while in operation.

Do we have to fix and take calre of all conditions before we can even switch on a light

Yes. Otherwise, what good are safeguards and protective measures to be complied with? Which brings us to Cgi's recurring problematic delay issues. guyer just thinks he doesn't have to comply to rules and regs like the rest of the mining industry. If he did, the C&D would have been resolved years ago.

It's not the DRMS. rules and regs, state of Colorado or Smokey the bear that's inhibiting the pow mill growth. It's your friendly neighborhood Cgi officers guyer, rice and fergy who shoulder all the responsibilities and blame for your blood pressure problems. And since your Cgi officer has stated he thinks the mill may be operational next summer, you have plenty of time to wait. Might as well buy and sell some shares a few times while waiting during the next P&D. guyer and rice seem more than happy to sell some more shares to all. How does a few billion sold since the hearing sound?
