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08/09/12 1:56 AM

#181204 RE: StephanieVanbryce #181146

msnbc about oh 10 minutes ago showed a clip of Ann Coulter screeching as only Ann can do .. ;) Listen.. SHE IS FURIOUS! . .FURIOUS! ... with Team Romney's camp. She wants him to immediately fire Andrea Saul and anyone else with that attitude! .. . .;) that Obamacare saves lives ..;) ..she's is frothing at the mouth ... at Romney .. she said something like .. 'HE wants us to go to the convention and they do this ?????? .. well .. blah blah .... and somewhere along there I heard also . .that Mitt's going radical again because nothing else is working .... oh my .. Yep! Newt and Trump, Cain at the convention ... to give Team Romney some juice! ... . anyone yes, everyone actually.... knows the only one who will get juiced from that group of folks are already voting for MItt ... but .. most of the commentators really think it's a dumb idea as they say ... the independents don't like that .. radical teabag stuff ... . and .. anyway and oh well ... I just had to tell you that I saw Ann angry as hell! ..

So I'm guessing now that anyone like Portman is out as vp pick .. back to ryan or rubio for the Mittster again ..

And then here's the sad sad very hurting post that Erick Erickson of REDSTATE wrote .. ;)

The Moment All the Doubts About Romney Resurfaced on the Right

The "Read My Lips" Moment of Betrayal At Least Comes Before the Election This Time

Erick Erickson (Diary)
August 8th 2012

Priorities USA was damaging itself and Barack Obama over its mind numbingly insane ad painting Mitt Romney as a killer.

Then the Romney campaign decided to sabotage itself [ ]
with a mind numbingly bit of spin that may mark the day the Romney campaign died.

Defending Romney and combatting the ad, Romney spokesman Andrea Saul . . . let’s go to the quotes

“To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care,” Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign press secretary, said during an appearance on Fox News. “There are a lot of people losing their jobs and losing their health care in President [Barack] Obama’s economy.”

Conservatives have put aside their distrust of Romney on this issue in the name of beating Barack Obama. They thought he and his campaign team had gotten the message and the hints. Consider the scab picked, the wound opened, and the distrust trickling out again.

About the only thing more stupid in terms of building bridges with the right would be to say something nice about fetal stem cell research.

Start your watches for that one!



08/09/12 2:40 AM

#181208 RE: StephanieVanbryce #181146

add .. lol, Team Romney has seen the polls on Obamacare, Tug-a-War team Romney have seen analysts position
on the electoral college, so in this most interesting political tug-a-war Team Romney are desperately digging
their heels in, and as they are inexorably dragged toward that fateful losing line (the winner line you would
find in a fireman's picnic ropey tug-a-war) they are clutching for votes by moving to the left ..

lol, that of course is simply a brief of the thinking of those in yours and is all implied in it ..

"more lols ....;) .... .. somehow I'm getting the idea that 'teabaggers' are being taken for another BIG RIDE ... ..;("

they did it on another issue just recently, too .. can't think of it just now .. anyway, more lols ..