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09/21/05 11:34 AM

#30864 RE: docgfd #30860

OT....they got it covered.....

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Re: Need some help if possible!
by: nacknicknock 09/21/05 11:26 am
Msg: 681420 of 681427


We have met at a stockholder meeting a couple of years back. Yes, I am desperate and trying everything I know to get help. Our neighbors are doing what they can to protect their own property. Forget this request for help. I have located a construction crew out of Bryan, Texas and they are on their way to help us out.

God knows, I hope you never find yourself in a similar situation. I only posted because I know that some of you posters live in this area and thought maybe I could get help. Guess not. Anyway, to those of you who are in this area, good luck! We will be complying with the mandatory evacuation asap!

Posted as a reply to: Msg 681405 by bostonhre