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08/02/12 2:22 PM

#18140 RE: TheWolfer #18139

What exactly are they doing right? They have time and time again made grand forward looking statements only to be never heard again. Their sales figures were 200K down from 500k in 2008. They released un audited financials, they jacked the A/S up to 10B that is Billion.

If they show up on retail shelves, which I doubt since they have no cash for marketing, this will be a step in the right direction.


08/02/12 6:56 PM

#18141 RE: TheWolfer #18139

Bottom line is there aren't that many investors

My shares are at Ameritrade, I don't personally have them. Most shareholders have their shares at a brokerage, not having pulled their certs, therefore there is no way you can determine how many individuals own this stock.


08/02/12 7:25 PM

#18142 RE: TheWolfer #18139

Then why don't you buy more? Take a second mortgage, back up the truck, and get you some more.

So every time you bash this stock and not buy more or encourage people to sell, YOU cause the stock to stagnate and languish.

You have your cause/effect relationship mixed up.

Tell your friends about the company and have them invest.

No way! I'd like to keep my friends. Are you not familiar with the 10 Commandments of Penny Stock investing?


08/02/12 7:38 PM

#18143 RE: TheWolfer #18139

I told my brother about the stock, and he lost all his money. He still talks to me .... once in a while.
When you have been screwed for 8 or 9 years, you start to get a little sore.

I do admire your tenacity tho. I was once like you, until I lost a few thousand dollars.


08/02/12 11:22 PM

#18145 RE: TheWolfer #18139

Here's the deal with Identa
It's out of date

So here is my point. YOU are the MARKET!

Yeah right common shareholders only own 22% of the stock. That's bound to make a huge impact isn't it Wolfie. Everybody here is in the minority and most everybody here is upside down with IDTA just like you are. Only difference is they have experienced far more frustration and far greater losses than you are getting your undies in a bunch over. Welcome to the club.

Turn this thing around, it starts with YOU.

BullROAR it starts with management it's called fiduciary duty.


08/03/12 2:04 AM

#18146 RE: TheWolfer #18139

Wolfie I get where you're coming from

only because I've been there. What you fail to understand is you are resting blame on some of the most loyal passionate and open minded shareholders I have ever seen. Good people who want nothing more than to see GOOD things come of that loyalty.

With all due respect that isn't happening, you are fiercely ignorant of the fact Identa management have burned this unusually supportive group far FAR to many times. Management continue to do so, yet you amazingly are laying fault with the 22% minority that made it possible for Identa to be here in the first place. What has Identa accomplished this year? Record low profits, fluff beyond belief, and a debt load so high in proportion to profits it would be enough to scare off any sane banker. So who do you think will wind up paying for this debacle? Perhaps now you can better appreciate the exasperation , bitterness, and worst of all overwhelming lack of confidence in this management's ability to achieve anything of consequence.

OK you have sour grapes, for God sake then man at least shower them on the real architects of this corporate failure. That's just sensible DD there is very good reason for these longs to be apprehensive and questioning of these stories Identa keeps spewing to anyone who will listen. It's not a question of hate you have it completely ass backwards, it's a question of professionalism and whether you can see it or not trust me by now they deserve it, and then some.