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08/01/12 4:28 PM

#180707 RE: sideeki #180706

so true. and YES. the 'real' Romney KNOWS Red States are "culturally inferior" ..

.........those are great points and their true! ..ty! ..;)


08/01/12 4:33 PM

#180708 RE: sideeki #180706

Photos: Dallas breaks world record for Biggest Shaving Cream Pie Fight
August 1, 2012 [with comments]


08/01/12 5:24 PM

#180711 RE: sideeki #180706

The Texas GOP is pushing to eliminate critical thinking in their education system.


08/01/12 9:11 PM

#180725 RE: sideeki #180706

He knows they are! That's how he brainwashes them!

It's easy to play them.



08/01/12 10:55 PM

#180735 RE: sideeki #180706

Does Romney Have Alzheimer's? Seriously, Does He?

Alzheimer's is no laughing matter and this Diary is not meant to be funny. I seriously wonder if Romney has Alzheimer's. In my opinion, he is showing the signs of a person who is in the early stages of Alzheimer's or some other type of dementia.

One of the early symptoms to Alzheimer's is short-term memory loss, forgetting what you recently said or did. Confusion and poor judgment are also early signs. In the early stages, the patient can still function in society but lacks good judgment so usually family members will step in to correct any problem the poor judgment may have caused.

For months, we have literally witnessed Romney say one thing, then within seconds tell the media he did not say it. Then we go back to the video, and sure enough, Romney said what we thought he said. Now, I know Romney is a pathological liar -- but I think there is something more going on.

I remember several, several times when Ann Romney has had to step in to correct comments Mitt has said and then the campaign puts Mitt on a Media Blackout.

If you watch Romney's face when he denies saying what he just said, Romney gets a confused and bewildered look in his eyes. It is the confusion on his face that makes me think he has Alzheimer's. Reagan, and other patients of Alheimer's would get that same look.

Most Recent Example:
Yesterday at 8:00pm, the day Romney got back from his Foreign Policy PR Tour, Romney had an Op-Ed published in the rightwinged blog, National Review online. In Romney's Op-Ed, Romney doubled-down on saying the Palestinians are culturally inferior.

But, just 10.5 hours before Romney published the Op-Ed, he ran to Fox and denied he ever compared the Israel culture to the Palestinian culture. But wait a minute! Romney's Op-Ed does compare the Israel and Palestine cultures. (confused? is your head shaking?)

-- also --

Before Romney wrote the Op-Ed, he said he would never run his campaign based on the comparison of the Israel and Palestian culture but his Op-Ed is part of his campaign and the Op-Ed does compare the Israeli and Palestinian culture.

Here's the timeline:
Monday, July 30, 2012

"If you can learn anything from the economic history of the world, it's this: Culture makes all the difference.
If you can learn anything from the economic history of the world, it’s this: culture makes all the difference. Culture makes all the difference. And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things.”
As you come here and you see the GDP per capita, for instance, in Israel, which is about $21,000 dollars, and compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality.

Next comes the denial
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 (9:33 am)

"I did not speak about the Palestinian culture or the decisions made in their economy. That’s an interesting topic that perhaps could deserve scholarly analysis, but I actually didn’t address that. I certainly don’t intend to address that during my campaign. Instead, I will point out that the choices a society makes have a profound impact on the economy and the vitality of that society.

Next comes the Op-Ed doubling down on his insults to the Arab world.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 (8:00 pm)

During my recent trip to Israel, I had suggested that the choices a society makes about its culture play a role in creating prosperity, and that the significant disparity between Israeli and Palestinian living standards was powerfully influenced by it [culture]. In some quarters, that comment became the subject of controversy.
But what exactly accounts for prosperity if not culture?

Romney's Op-Ed shows very poor judgment for a candidate for U.S. President as Romney's Op-Ed was inflammatory, bigoted toward the Arab World and could possibly put our troops stationed overseas in harms way.

I know, Romney is a pathological liar - for sure - but he may also have Alzheimer. After reading Romney's original comment (FLIP) then reading Romney's denial (FLOP) and then his Op-Ed (FLIP) I was reminded of an article David Corn wrote in Mother Jones in January, 2012 titled "Did Mitt Romney Lie to Me?"

In the article, Corn wrote about a speech Romney gave in Pinkerton Academy in Derry, New Hampshire where he said the European-style welfare society creates poverty. Moments after the speech, Romney denied, to David Corn, that he had ever said those things.

Here's the conversation between David Corn and Mitt Romney

CORN: "Do you believe that there is more poverty in Europe than the United States?"

ROMNEY: Is that before or after government payments, he responded.

CORN: You can define it any way you want.

ROMNEY: "Well, I'll have to think about that," he said, and started to shuffle away.

CORN: (quickly) You just stated that European-style welfare creates poverty.

ROMNEY: "No, I didn't I said, look at Cuba, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union."

CORN: No, you said European-style welfare leads to poverty. That's precisely what you said.

ROMNEY: No, I was talking about Cuba, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union.

Corn He hadn't said anything about those countries. He hadn't mentioned them once in his speech.

Corn went on to write:

Romney then said, "I have to go"—and returned to his fans. As one held out a copy of his recent book, looking for Romney's John Hancock, Romney turned to an aide and asked, "Are we doing autographs?"

Corn then opined on Romney's mental state:

So what to make of this exchange with Romney? Is his brain so fried by months (or years) of campaigning that he cannot recall what he said minutes earlier?

Or, does Romney have Alzheimers?

Other Examples:
In November 2011:

In less than 24 hours, Romney flip/flopped in less than 24 hours on Ohio's Issue 2 that limits public employee union rights.

In March 2012

In less than 2 hours, Romney flip/flopped on The Blunt Amendment that would allow employers to block health insurance coverage that the boss considered objectionable on moral grounds.

In May 2012,

In less than 24 hours, Romney flip/flopped on adoption rights for gay parents

At the time, we all chalked those instantaneous flip/flops up to Romney being a pathological liar -- but I'm beginning to think maybe Romney is a Pathological Liar with Alzheimer's.

Another Sign Of Alzheimer's: Confusing Fiction with Reality
For instance, commentators over the years have noted how often President Reagan confused films he'd made with political reality, including telling people about concentration camps he'd helped to liberate in World War II, when the reality was he been in a movie about the topic.

Remember the Campaign Ad where Romney used a picture of, what Romney claimed, was a picture him with his dad at the Detroit Auto Show -- when, in fact, it was a picture of Mitt at the World's Fair with his dad?

At the time, we all chalked those lies of Romney's as Romney being a pathological liar -- but I'm beginning to think maybe Romney is a Pathological Liar with Alzheimer's.