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08/01/12 6:38 AM


this is confusing CBD is underpriced at .04, with a book value of .10 . thats the reason they want off the AX
there are so many variables here I am totaly confused.with the combined revenues what do we have,then we have debt.maybe someone that knows mergers would be able to figure this out better.
as far as thursdays earnings i cant see how they are going to be anything great , better rev but profit we will have to see.I am not expecting anything magnificent.......WEST and CBD both seem to have increasing contracts,and revenues,it is how they play it I guess
I do think with increased solar contracts and self installed solar in a box at lowes and the austrailian,china,and america market this has HUGE potential.just trying to keep it real.
I am holding for now,i think it turns out ok but time will tell
Good Luck All!!!