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07/31/12 9:41 PM

#15206 RE: welendmoney #15199

Most small sized and privately held companies DO NOT DESIRE to be come prime contractors for a multitude of reasons. I've worked for several and have many close friends running some. . . NONE are on the hunt for being Contract Primes.

In my second career as a QA Mgr for a small, VERY SUCCESSFUL aircraft parts manufacturing company, we avoided at all costs contracts providing parts directly to virtually any/all government agencies. . . services are a different story.

When asked to bid or submit cost estimates, the cost {to the Gov't Agency} estimates provided were extremely high. . .and also included contract caveats that our company would be exempt usual bonding and financial 'obligations along with other 'frivolous' requirements. We did not want that sort of business.

This company, being a small business and minority owned {Female} business, a few of our 'estimates' were unexpectedly accepted. . . due to the fact that we were the 'only game in town' for certain materials. ie single source availability. NOBODY in the entire USA could produce the product/material required for those specific parts.

Sound Familiar????

This company started in 1947 and took some 3-4 years to get their feet planted and moving forward. Subcontracted parts for the B-47 and more so for the B-52 changed everything.

BORK exhibits many of the same issues/problems that the 1947 start up had.

Today's PPS action is NOT surprising. Looking back over the past eight days+/- on this board, there were very few posts. . . 5 being the most. IMO this indicates that most everyone had extremely high expectations for news and were waiting an expected PPS push up. When the news came this AM, it did not meet the expectations of those being long and/or was not understood as Flatcat indicated in his post (

Shorts seem to be jumping in thinking/believe that today's news portends a lack of sales and more 'talk' are anticipating and hoping for PPS slippage. . . again I think Flatcat has the PPS technical picture properly described and anticipated.

I'm hoping the short position increases because of this. . . .