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07/30/12 2:02 AM

#68282 RE: risk on #68275

Risk, Thank you for the summary! I really hope that we will see a PR soon and then some movement.
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07/30/12 10:18 AM

#68286 RE: risk on #68275

A little response to the statements.

1) Heavy REE are the most valuable. The Global shortage and continued need for is clear.

This item is spot on and you are very right. Many multi million and even billion dollar corps nearing this market in the next 2-5 years. We will soon see a big change but that is not without its opportunities prior to their arrival.

2) SNEYs SL claim steeped in HREE. "The sands got to bedrock along the Pampana River"
This is however incorrect and misleading. If anyone choosing to do any DD on SNEY they will quickly know how false this statement is. SNEY’s HREE material is but .5% of their sands. Yes that’s right 99.5% or more of the black sands has no HREE material. Hardly Steeped but rather trace amounts. I recommend you research their test results for a better understanding of what they actually have. I have been saying for a long time the money is not really in the REE's since the vast majority of their REE's are LREE. YES VAST MAJORITY

3) Alexander Beckmann's repertoire ( google it), undeniably one of the World's most respected in the field of geo physics and mineralogical methodology, specifically Rare Earth Elements
This is from one of your own posts:
He has 20 years' experience in applied mineralogy, mining, extraction/mineral processing, processing of non-iron metals, process engineering and optimization, cost reduction of existing processes and material science. He has had project involvements in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, South America, and has been a consultant for major mining and smelting companies in Asia and South America. Beckmann founded Agricola in 2001, having invented and been granted patents for new processes for copper, precious metals and PGEs at the end of the '90s. He also invented new processes for the dearsenification of non iron concentrates (i.e. copper). He joined the Faculty of Applied Mineralogy at the University of Cologne in 2000, using this time to develop the technology further. Prior to this, he spent several years as a prospector in Southern Africa. During this time he also worked on selective inductive microwave heating of minerals in order to change physical properties of minerals and elements for new process designs i.e. as a potential separation method. Following the completion of his Masters Degrees in Applied and Specific Mineralogy, Physical Metallurgy, Geology and Ore Mineralogy, Alexander joined the Deutsche Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR, German Aerospace and Aviation Centre) in the department of material science, before moving into a role as assistant to the Vice CEO, responsible for the areas of aviation, satellites, personnel, controlling & law. Beckmann also has undergraduate degrees in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.

Not sure where you can find anything saying he is one of the Worlds most respected in the field of Rare Earth Elements. I know I couldn't find anothing to back that statement. Is it just your opinion that he is or is it possible that you can supply a link to show this is accurate?

4) Why did A. Beckmamn, among the worlds leading experts on REE production and composition, go to work for SHARES, not cash, of an, at the time, lowly pink stock, not current and in CE. I assure you, Germans aren't given to sales pitches from American OTC managers ( i.e.BS). No, the reason Beckmann took this " chance" is the REE material quality and quantities on the SL claim. How do we know this? A quote from Beckmann regarding the Sney SL material, "among the best I've ever seen".

Accepting shares instead of salary is about the most common way of getting payment for every startup out there. This is hardly uncommon in any manner. This does not say your incorrect since he must see a value in the shares. Also based on Beckmanns history in metallurgy the quote does scream volumes.

4) SNEY just became fully current and UPLISTED. Why? There's no need to do all that when a Co is Pink.

Yes fully current and that was an amazing feat without question but uplist? Again not sure what you call an uplist. One would technically need to change to a higher listing for that.

On April 5, 2010, Pink OTC created a new marketplace called the OTCQB, in an effort to assist investors in distinguishing Pink Sheet traded securities that are Fully Reporting Issuers from non-reporting issuers, while allowing recently delisted OTCBB® securities to get the
recognition that, while now trading solely on the Pink Sheets, are current with their obligations under the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act and are in good standing with the SEC with regards to these obligations.

I guess one would need to really wonder whether remaining on the same listing but changing tiers is truly and uplist.

In fact doesn’t an uplist require a MM for the exchange to file a 211. After words isn’t it mandatory to file an 8K? Hmmmm odd SNEY did neither. Are we to assume they broke the SEC rules for an uplist or assume the listing did not change so neither was required…..I guess something to ponder. Not that it changes their accomplishments either way.

Also per the companies own statements it appears it was done for the purpose of dilution. They could not get buyers while under the CE so it become imperative to become current for another PP for funding. There are lots of rumors why but I recommend people stop listening to rumors and read the reason why in the 10Q.

5) Where is a sampling of that HREE laden material we spoke of? It is at HAZEN INC.. Please look them up on google, and research what they do and how long they have been doing it.

I did and they appear to be a solid outfit. This will be truly exciting. To find out the recommendations on how to construct a pilot plant. Oh wait, isn’t that what Beckman was supposedly doing? Did Beckmann fail miserable on it so they had to find another company? Do you not find it odd that they are no longer using Beckmann for this?

He continues, "It is my considered opinion that these PGM's may exist in a fraction that we may have previously overlooked and discarded. I have proposed a four phase recovery and separation process that would certainly recover a higher percentage of these rare valuable metals. The first Phase is dedicated to the highest possible recovery of the gold, Silver and PGM's which are readily marketable to create early cash flow. Phase 2 is dedicated to the Coltan minerals with their elements Tantalum and Niobium, which are also present and readily marketable. Phase 3 and 4 are dedicated to the enhancement of the remaining valuable strategic and rare earth elements, which once separated or concentrated, are also highly marketable." Beckmann remarks, "Because we have access to excellent analytical methods and existing processing equipment, I recommend that we conduct this process initially where we have adequate existing facilities. Once we have determined the highest and best methods for recovery and separation we will evaluate the feasibility of setting up a process facility near our Pampana operation.

Hazen operations:

Services include laboratory-scale research on new processes or adaptation of known technology to new situations, followed by pilot plant demonstration, preliminary engineering, and cost analysis. Projects range from beaker-scale experiments and analyses to multimillion-dollar continuous pilot or demonstration plants.

Odd Hazen is now doing the same thing Beckmann was doing…..

6) Where has SNEY stock price been? At .026.. On what substance did it get there? What real info? And what was SNEY status at the time? Answer, hardly anything. What is SNEY STATUS Now? How much further along is SNEY? Answer, much further, and much more credible.

Credibility has been lost do to a year of undermining the company. Yes current means the filings are to be taken seriously but as volume has demonstrated, nobody trusts management. The last run was with an OS of 1.2b and today its 1.74b. Add to this the fact that shares locked up on the previous run are able to come off restriction. With the larger OS, the statement that they plan on further dilution, the undermining of the company name, and the lack of progress outside of paperwork, I feel the old high is very unlikely to ever be seen again before they RS.

7) Does stock price always correspond to current events with a Co? No. Sometimes there are complete Gems that investors have not yet become of aware of. But, we do know this, " let the Co perform, the stock price will always catch up to Co performance", W Buffet. That awareness mentioned, is coming.

Could not agree more. Current the company lacks progress so there is not a stock move. Once we start processing and building revenue the stock will react to it. The question we are stuck with is what level dilution is heading our way and will the revenue be great enough to offset said dilution. A fine line for sure.

Good luck risk and remember to keep a close eye on just how much funding is required to get the company operational. Exploration only appears to require just a fraction of cost compared to fully operational.

Of course we can always assume Hazen is working for free and willing to donate equipment but I rather doubt that.