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07/28/12 9:21 AM

#180511 RE: F6 #180506

F6, I'd say Chauncey Hollingsworth might not be quite what he claims.

...AR-15 with a drum magazine.

No such thing...PERIOD. Unfortunately, the spouting of such ignorant drivel is all too common in the gun control wars. The sad fact is that The Right To Keep And Bear Arms is all about money. The so-called "right" was once a strident admonition of the duty of the common man to always remain vigilant for threats to our freedoms from within AND without our borders.

It is no more.

Yes, I am a gun owner. I own...and carry...every day. I received my first pistol...a Colt Army 32-20...from my grandfather sixty one years ago last April on my fifth birthday. I could shoot it all I wished, with only two stipulations...I had to load every case by myself with a nutcracker press AND I had to clean it after every use. After much trial and error I got good enough with it to learn my first hard lesson about the need to clean and eat everything I shot...turtle soup isn't real appetizing to a six year old. I was never allowed a rifle or shotgun as "Any fool can hit with a long gun." ...So said my father and grandfather.

That world is no more. I never ever even considered using a firearm for anything other than plinking or hunting until being introduced to a Springfield 03-A3 in boot camp.

In today's world the choice is simple...we can either restrict Free Speech by muzzling those extremists who so delight in goading the great unwashed into useful intemperance OR we can somehow restrict gun ownership in hope of lessening the tragic result of the gullibility of the much-vaunted Common Man.

Place your bets.
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07/29/12 6:44 AM

#180538 RE: F6 #180506

Black couple says racism forced relocation of wedding in Mississippi

Published: Saturday, July 28, 2012, 6:00 PM
By The Associated Press

A Mississippi couple says the church where they planned to get married turned them away because they are black. Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson say they had set the date and mailed invitations, but the day before their wedding they say they got bad news from the pastor of predominantly white First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs: Some members of the church complained about the black couple having a wedding there.

The Wilsons, who live in nearby Jackson, said they attend the church regularly although they are not members.

Pastor Stan Weatherford told WLBT TV .. .. he was surprised when a small number of church members opposed holding the wedding at the church.

"This had never been done before here, so it was setting a new precedent, and there are those who reacted to that because of that," said Weatherford.

Weatherford performed the July 21 ceremony at another church.

"I didn't want to have a controversy within the church, and I didn't want a controversy to affect the wedding of Charles and Te'Andrea. I wanted to make sure their wedding day was a special day," said Weatherford.

WLBT reported that church officials now say they welcome any race. They plan to hold internal meetings on how to move forward.

Church member Casey Kitchens said she and other members of the congregation are outraged by the church's refusal to marry a black couple, a decision she says most of the congregation knew nothing about.

"This is a small, small group of people who made a terrible decision," Kitchens told The Clarion-Ledger. .. .. "I'm just ashamed right now that my church would do that. I can't fathom why. How unfair. How unjust. It's just wrong."

"I blame the First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs, I blame those members who knew and call themselves Christians and didn't stand up," said Charles Wilson.

Wilson told the newspaper that he understands Weatherford was caught in a difficult position and he still likes the pastor, but he also thinks the pastor should have stood up to the members who didn't want the couple to marry in the church.

"It's not reflective of the spirit of the Lord and Mississippi Baptists," the Mississippi Baptist Convention executive director, the Rev. Jim Futral, said. "It's just a step backward. ... It's a sad thing."

From the 2nd one in yours

"A Republican state legislator in Missouri is holding a campaign fundraiser where he will raffle off one of the same types of weapons used in the Aurora movie theater shooting.
McCaherty was first elected
[ ] to the state House of Representatives in 2010 representing a Jefferson County district. He is the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Murphy...."

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08/19/12 9:25 PM

#182348 RE: F6 #180506

That Hot New Rifle From Russia

Published: August 16, 2012

In an eerie postscript to the cold war, American gun enthusiasts have been buying Kalashnikov rifles and shotguns [ ] by the tens of thousands, helping the Russian arms manufacturer stay afloat in a global market oversaturated with its AK-47s, long the weapon of choice among the world’s insurgents and armies. American sales of single-shot civilian versions of the Kalashnikov rose by 50 percent last year among buyers impressed with the automatic model’s lethal accuracy in the world’s trouble spots.

The manufacturer, the Izhevsk Machine Works, is quickly increasing production of the civilian version, benefiting from the fact that American gun laws are weaker than Russian laws, Andrew Kramer of The Times reported. Russians can buy only a long-barrel firearm if they have a police permit that requires a clean criminal record, a gun safety course and a medical certificate of sanity. That’s right: a medical certificate of sanity — something American politicians dare not dream of, let alone enact, under the intimidating shadow of the gun lobby.

The timidity of the political class when it comes to gun control — presidential candidates included — was sadly highlighted last month after the massacre in Aurora, Colo. Proposals to control high-powered weaponry — or at least ban the absurd 100-round clip used in the assault — quickly fell by the wayside as politicians refused, once again, to take firm control of gun sales.

As further evidence of the gun lobby’s influence, 51 United States senators sent President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton a letter [ ] late last month expressing “grave concerns” over a proposed United Nations treaty to try to control runaway global arms trafficking in conventional weapons. The main worry of the 43 Republicans and eight Democrats was that the treaty would impinge on Americans’ Second Amendment right to bear arms, a right the Obama administration stressed was well protected. The National Rifle Association had already issued an alarm to all members, so it was no surprise that the senators meekly followed suit.

© 2012 The New York Times Company

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09/28/12 10:46 PM

#187023 RE: F6 #180506

Cartoon: Second amendment meets the sixth commandment

"The Second Amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security
of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.[/i"

"The Sixth Amendment. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense."

Why Is Trayvon Martin Dead? -

A lawyer's opinion, with tiny bits i hadn't read before.

The one this is in reply to is linked in as the first in the bottom link list here

The Human Cost of the Second Amendment

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11/04/12 1:26 AM

#191758 RE: F6 #180506

How A Loophole Allowed A Mass Murderer To Obtain His Murder Weapon Without A Background Check
Oct 26, 2012 [with comments]