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10/13/12 2:30 PM

#9215 RE: MustHaveOptions #2213

I love this part:

"...Of course if Yahoo or Microsoft did purchase VRNG it wouldn’t be the end of Google’s problems, it would only mean the plaintiff’s name changes.
If a settlement is reached prior to trial, as most cases are, VRNG still has a number of companies on their radar and a settlement with Google could lead to a quick settlement with the others.
Without question VRNG appears to be in a good position at the moment and even with shares trading well above their 50-day moving average of 3.69 and their 200-day moving average of 2.24 their current share price may look like a bargain in a few months. But again, there are no guarantees when it comes to these things and it is pretty clear that VRNG has all of their eggs in this basket.
Failure to reach a settlement may serve to kick up the share price prior to trial but if VRNG is dealt an unfavorable ruling the company will almost certainly see a significant portion of their value disappear. That is a risk investors have to acknowledge but with the information that is out there right now it appears as if those investors are willing to take that risk."

Thanks for sharing.