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07/25/12 3:32 PM

#192109 RE: arvitar #192107

It was announced at the AGM, how is that leaking information for trading purposes?


07/25/12 3:38 PM

#192111 RE: arvitar #192107

common sense

the permit was out on monday

noted here in this very venue

anyone who wanted to check and see
if prior events with the nydec
were 8k'd can actually *gasp* do DD

lo and behold >> courtesy of the dolts in dc's website

we can see that *yeppers* 8k's were filed previously >>> hmmm

but even better >> those who really want to be proactive can call IR and ask

i did >> others did too

the date re: if the SWP is 8k'd >> doesn't matter *per some*
it certainly doesn't matter to me >> but it is part of the process

the 8k i'm interested in reviewing is the one for when proc no. 3
is 8k'd

cause there are changes .. hmmm

i have no doubts the touts for the A co. are just salivating
to see what those changes are

i truly understand the angst in play re: P2O

it's measured in the BILLIONS

all jmo


07/25/12 3:53 PM

#192112 RE: arvitar #192107

Just to be clear, we had a wide ranging conversation and he was very cautious, as always, to provide only information that was disclosed in a filing or at the AGM.

I understood him to say it was the SWP filing would be filed on Friday, but as I said that is an understanding acquired in a much broader conversation. In the scheme of things the SWP approval is already public information. I am hopeful more will be disclosed but I was not told that will be the case.

On the whole we had a very typical, very pleasant, very professional conversation.