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07/24/12 7:35 AM

#7351 RE: faststang #7350

Ok 4 more months, But Chinook says up to a couple of months now! I remember the good old days, years ago when it started out only next week or next month! I want this thing to happen don't get me wrong. But the juice has warn off me long ago! ATIG is still after 10 years a non reporting pink sheet penny stock with a license in Canada and now taking loans for 5million from the Cayman Islands. We have newly issued 500,000,000 shares on top of the 3 billion. Up to maybe 15million in debt and counting! I base that on unsigned OTC markets filings that don't mean squat. Playing for free "no obligation" 90 day trials that are far beyond that now and claimed to be mastered in 2003. Keep the dream alive if you like! But for me it just bugs me to see shareholders getting constantly bamboozled....