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07/23/12 9:06 PM

#84646 RE: keep_trying #84627

KT, thought provoking. you must be a fast typist! NSCLC is a tough nut. You have to see it (in your family, or in the hospital) to believe it, and to turn advanced lung cancer around or hold it at bay is ...miraculous? I am not looking for a miracle. Nothing about the NSCLC trial results would cause me to sell. And of course any improvement at all, with Bavi's safety profile, will bode well for its extensive use in less-sick patients. If Bavi succeeds in a significant way in blocking tumor vessels, and helps the host develop immunity to tumor... it will find use on every cancer treatment table. Regardless of NSCLC outcome. What do we have for certain now? A safe, and apparently specatacular labeling agent fir diagnostic and therapeutic imaging...and also a certifiable MAB mule that one day can also deliver cytotoxin to tumor. If I had to pick between Cotara nd Bavi for lung cancer, though,I would take a slimmed-down version of PPHMs anti-TNT MAB, Cotara.
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07/24/12 6:14 AM

#84671 RE: keep_trying #84627

keep_trying, I hear what you say but there may be a discrepancy between what Peregrine, the other share holders and a BP wants.

Of course your developed approach keeps BPs competing over time but they know that too. And as i developed in my post there is another kind of competition that they will want to avoid and that is the one related to the Bavi dose pricing. As Thurly wrote in one of his posts: "charge as much as you can as long as you can for a new drug.". It may not have been those exact words but it is what BPs do. The basic condition to do that successfully is that nobody eats from your pie.

With Bavi the best way to control that is to own the pie factory directly or via licensing and globally. Then if someone eats from it it has been paid for.

In other words, if BPs recognize the value of Bavi they will go after the platform or if needed the company, optionally the first one with a good option on the second one (so that nobody acquires the company that gives them the license.

We know it is really no problem for them. They have the pocket depth and we have the poison pill to make sure they pass via the cash register and don't use the stock as a weapon against us.

Synthesized: As things develop currently I am all for Bavi world wide, all conditions, licensing with lic (pre-payment, payment per new condition and payment based on yearly sales) and a first right 3rd party manufacturing for Avid with a minimum yearly quantity.

This gives us direct revenue, long term revenue, production income and we share in the volume success. Our incentives are R&D for CT of new conditions resulting in extra payments and extra sales volume. Further more such contract can extend our 17-20 year IP protection. Possibly we can keep Digital Imaging out of the loop, that is clearly another market. BPs will not see it that way.

The solution you developped is even better then the above but I don't see our BoD pull this off, not even if they get more experienced extra members, just because the BPs may not want such approach. I would like to be wrong on this one.