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07/21/12 11:05 PM

#53292 RE: rcc512 #53291

This all does not make any sense.I thought I read that pinksheets
don't have to file financials.Maybe I'm wrong,but this appears if the website is down not a good thing the ceo is doing.Like I said this is not making any sense to me because the VM has been full for a while.


07/22/12 1:20 AM

#53293 RE: rcc512 #53291

when you make a phone call, you dont have to go to voicemail first, the person can pick up the call and talk to you before it goes to voicemail....

and tonnes of ceo's have full voicemails, their secretaries usually check their voicemail boxes but personal phones held by ceo's and cfo's i know always have full voicemail

everyone needs to chill out lol, NDA's are always good
go seek!


07/22/12 7:20 AM

#53296 RE: rcc512 #53291

Don't believe a word that SG writes. Not true!


07/22/12 9:25 PM

#53304 RE: rcc512 #53291

Rcc, Read my posts from before, I don't leave messages with him, I BLOW his phone up until he answers, hahaha, rude or not, i don't care you know, i'm an investor just like anyone else and i had questions for a few weeks now. And honestly JBM1, you are the reason i didn't share on Tuesday, your negativity alone makes this message board a mockery. I have no idea what this non-disclosure stuff means as I eluded to in the last message i posted, but for you to call me a liar is a little bit outrageous considering every post you make is so far off keel that I consider never coming back to this site. For everyone else, believe what you want but it is very obvious from my wording that I speak the truth, i didn't try to persuade one way or another, in fact I am glad I got your opinions because I have no idea what that all meant, and yes JBM 1 could be right and this is just another way for Scott Gallagher to con us into thinking something is coming and it's not, but I will always put on here what he tells me, and it is up to you to make your own choice.