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07/21/12 5:47 PM

#61305 RE: Snowy_Owl #61303

Well, here we go again with a well worn cliche "...a well devised and carefully executed plan..." of the highly analytical and retentive personality. It's not an insult or directed at anybody in particular.

How many promises, how many deadlines, and how many (your pick) have been missed, broken, delayed, changed or whatever due to not being able to focus, improvise or take the initiative...

It has been the current management that has been implementing your concept of "ready, fire, aim." Admit it!

Pick a war, conflict, corporate take over, business or medical great and the winners, not one, ever sat around "devising and carefully executing a plan" in the middle of the action.

Their plans had already been thought out to the best of their ability and not to the perfection of their abilities. Once the action commenced any change in plans was left to their abilities to improvise and to take the initiative. Can you say, "winner, winner, winner!"

If you find yourself in the middle of the freeway, talking too long to think about your next move will only increase your risk of injury. What do people say when they throw a ball at you? "Think fast!"

That has not happened with this management and will cause NNVC to get passed by in the race for discovery and profit. They can have everything going for it, but if NNVC doesn't get moving - improvising and taking the initiative, then it's going to get rolled over. That's not speculation, either. That's a fact.

The most frustrating people that I have ever met are those who can't complete a task because they are still thinking about it, looking for the holes in their logic, always afraid of being criticized, never wanting to turn over their work for some perceived fear or other reason. They blow budgets, projects, companies, battles, whatever because they just can't let anybody else in. They need to be plucked out of the situation.

They just might learn something if they opened up and let other people and ideas in.

I have a great attorney friend who just destroys other attorneys because he is not afraid of taking risk. He always plans his legal strategies and if he is thrown a curve he is quick witted and fast on his feet. Does he know all of the answers all of the time? No. But, he is always ready because he has well thought out contingency plans and is not afraid to improvise and take the initiate.

I always laugh my arse off when I see him in action. Opposing counsel yelling and screaming. Judges trying to keep straight faces. Bailiffs getting nervous, but in the end he wins by overwhelming the opposition.

NNVC needs to get moving. I would love to see what Seaside 88 expects to get in return for their $40 million.
