$WGAS - I'll be a buyer myself but it could be earlier in the day, before any more price runup. I kind of thought it would run harder today after gapping up at the open. I wonder if that's a sign that we closed at the opening pps? At least it's no red candle...smooth consolidation today. I hope it's over now and doesn't continue into Friday morning.
We may have lots of newbies coming in to look at WGAS. I've been telling all my friends what a good deal this is. I hope everyone else does the same thing.
I will be buying tomorrow, so count me in! All eyes are on WGAS and bookmarks are increasing! We still have a long way to go PPS wise, which means new people will be discovering this each and every day! Some are saying "Damn! I could have bought that at such and such a price!" We tried tell you folks! lol