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07/18/12 2:58 PM

#53226 RE: rcc512 #53222

I called also and his mailbox is full.It appears he is getting a lot of calls,for all the wrong resons.I'm hoping he is on a trip to promote business list.


07/18/12 3:00 PM

#53227 RE: rcc512 #53222

I recall his last PR flatly stated he was going to be heavily into running the business the last 1/2 of the year and into 2013 with numerous events taking up his time. I do not doubt that statement for one second and I am currious how much revenue he has generated by doing that.

Still that is NO EXCUSE for his VM to be full ( if it really is as I have not called it ) nor is it any excuse to not have current financials out to the investors.

As to WEB site issues that are being raked over the coals here this week, if India is doing the hosting, their could be an issue with IP in their country as has happend many times before with other companies. They do NOT have the best WEB access IMHO!

I do not think a company doing work for a company like SEEK would do DB maintenance or anything with a " live server " application. From my 27 years of experience, you set up " test servers " in clusters and NEVER do live testing for OBVIOUS reasons. That issue was an " instant termination " in my company if you pulled the plug on ANY LIVE company servers. Many a VP, Network Manager, etc. has lost their job due to that little slip up in many, many companies.

If the issue is truly an issue of maint., updating, etc. on LIVE HARDWARE, then SG should make them VERY AWARE that heads would roll on the next occurance such as that.

I will wait for the next CC / PR to explain just what has caused the access issues or is currently taking up what appears to be ALL of SG's time in following through on what he has stated is in the works.

As to any doubts on the issues that have been explained to investors that " will be happening ", I still have no reasons not to rely on SG's published info. rather than message board self appointed CEO's who don't apparently know how a business is ran.

Investors should be fully aware after all these years that SG is a little slow from time to time but generally does follow through on the plans he lays out.