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07/18/12 11:06 AM

#179760 RE: BOREALIS #179759


07/18/12 12:22 PM

#179767 RE: BOREALIS #179759

Just about everybody, including the Repub party, is stunned at Romney's stupidity...the longer Romney stonewalls, the more interest is builds in what Romney is hiding - paid very low taxes?, paid no taxes? and where was his money invested that would yield such big bucks?
Questions regarding, as Repub operative Ed Gillepsie put it, Romney's "retroactive" retirement from Bain have not gone away - btw, how does one "retroactively" lead their life anyhow?...Oh, that's right, Ed Gillepsie's firm earned $700,000 as spokesperson for ENRON while ENRON was collapsing and their CEO/chairman Kenneth Lay was lying to the media/ENRON employees.