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02/19/03 6:35 AM

#6015 RE: caligrrrl #6013

Cali -

"The whole thing nauseates me to no end, and Rogue is right that it's just not fun anymore."
I'd have to say that it nauseates me to no end as well, since it is inevitably ABOUT me and an episode that I'd just as soon put to bed already.

"I used to love to go to PI because people talked about things of substance. Since it's denigrated into such a soap opera/pissing contest/slugfest, I've lost interest . . . I'm not saying people should only talk about politics or whatever, I'm just saying that I don't have the stomach for all this stupid fucking bullshit - that I'm sorry Mom, you continue to perpetuate for WHATEVER reason. I'm certainly not blaming you for anything, but how long are you going to beat a dead horse, anyway? So what if he's stalking you from board to board. Who gives a shit if he has a daughter or not. He's pathetic. He's done all the damage he can possibly do, right, so LET IT GO . . . If it's not fun, what's the point?"
Everyone who does not wish to post on less serious topics flits freely and playfully from board to board, engaging in their slugfests and slamfests and Queen of the Board jousting. I don't care. I never cared. It's not for me, but I don't get all bent out of shape if the rest of them do it. umedia has a board, where everybody who wants to can go and play slam Mom and ooohhh and aaahhhh over his made up girlfriends, kids, whatever, I DON'T CARE. I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE AND REMOVED FROM IT. Is that really too much to ask??? There are hundreds of boards out there. This trash does not have to exist where I might be.

I have met some decent people on message boards - who I happen to actually LIKE, some of whom I will likely meet in person, time permitting. I think that's GREAT. I think it's GREAT to share thoughts and ideas and poetry and whatever uninhibited, among trustworthy ADULTS from all over this great country of ours.

I do not KNOW what monstrous events scuttled the GMA board. This shit happened LONG before I ever got there, DOES NOT involve me, and I DO NOT CARE about their suspicions, retaliations, paranoias, or self-inflicted wounds for pity and other horseshit they engage in on a regular basis. They may HAVE each other - they DESERVE each other. I won't take offense if anyone else speaks to them - I would just prefer NOT to post to or with them.

The conversation deteriorates substantially when they are around, as they bring their wierd baggage with them. I DON'T CARE WHO WANTS TO TALK TO THEM, MEET THEM, STROKE THEM, WHATEVER, I just don't want to be around it. The format at PI was neat, fast, and easy. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the company. Is one neat, fast, easy to read board in the whole universe that is free of this shit too much to ask? I think not. If anyone thinks I am out of line in requesting it, please take a vote or something, and I'll leave you all be if you really think I have asked too much.