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07/18/12 10:57 AM

#45950 RE: whiteface88 #45940

Funding of Lab

I would say that there is much misplaced focus here. Who cares how it is funded. You have DoD posting the only future that matters, and you see literally countless other applications and utilities for Spider Silk/polymers, and all we look at is today's share price(as if we invested for today) or Lab details. These are peripheries. Vision gets past these fringe issues. The only future that matters is demand for your product. The demand is built in and well published here. So is it about de-risking your investment?

Ignore the signs that matter, or get stuck on things like (SIAL)silence, lab funding or location, and share price. Once a deal is PR'ed and it translates into meeting the demand/cash, will lab funding(or the other peripheries) mean anything? Nope!

Think I wait this one out......

Personally this is one I want to be a part of. Some of us want to both make and see it happen. I do not see how it won't.