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07/17/12 1:03 PM

#7453 RE: bigworld #7452

And the inintended consequences of QE continue to show up. So, in an effort to boost housing, the FEDs cheap money is NOT boosting housing, but destroying ALL private wealth as savers and retiree money stagnates, while everything is going broke because they can't earn a reasonable return on investment. Life Insurance companies will start defaulting soon.

And next year, if Ovomit can raise the dividend tax rate to 45%, even dividends will go away. So, with no investment income happening, no purchases happening, savers depleting their savings to live, what will the result be 2-5 years from now, since the Bernanke refuses to allow rates to rise?

The result is we are a third world nation. This must be being done deliberately to force us into trading our soveriegnty for solvency? In my mind, this is treason.