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02/18/03 8:06 PM

#6010 RE: RoguePlanet #6009

Roguie, Roguie!

Where are you going? Why are you so mad? This isn't supposed to be a fight!

Geez, I was just inquiring. C'mon now.

...I know a place
I'll take you there
Ain't nobody cryin'
I'll take you there...



02/19/03 12:00 AM

#6012 RE: RoguePlanet #6009

Tell you what

I'll leave, and Mom or skep or someone can have my membership and post away.

This just isn't fun anymore.

Well, I for one sure hope you're not serious. I've got a perfectly fine membership allowing me 18 messages per day, and any board minus Rogue lacks a certain amount of wit and wisdom. It's tough for you to have friends in so many places, friends who just can't stand each other, but think the world of you. I see that there's been a wholesale slaughter at GMA, with all the blaming posts having disappeared. Probably for the best, though. Anyway, Rogue, I hope you'll stick around, and that it'll be fun again. I've developed a whole new appreciation for one-liners, thanks to you, and I'd hate to lose that. Peace.
P.S. It's not just the one-liners, either. I think you're able to cut through b.s. better than anyone I know.