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07/16/12 4:38 PM

#239518 RE: IxCimi #239516

hmmmmmmm? not so sure about this:

Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A states that the United States is a Federal Corporation and not a Government, including the Judiciary Procedural Section.

you say the United States IS in a very authoritarian manner....

yet, I must be a skeptic because I simply find it difficult that for my entire life with all the hundereds and hundreds of peope elected to and served a term in congress.....everyone is "OK" with the US as a corp....

no one in government says "boo"....

all the whistle blowers ...

all the egomaniacs wanting to make a name for themslves....

NO ONE.....!!!!

this is from the Cornell Law School.....and, it carries the "warning" that all the information must be checked for modification vs current law (which, at this point, I'm not going to wade thru).... it is:

(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

the above is the section 3002 you mentioned.....

it's simply definitions....

and, it does not limit the united states to being a corporation....

the definitions are a guide to the reading indicating that the term "United States" may encompass a number of meanings when used in various context.....

"a Federal corporation" (lower case "c") would simply mean something like a GSE....

I don't see how you interpet that to mean the country is only a corp???

lastly, and, IMO most importantly.....if a law is on the books but obscure or uninforced, then, is it a law with which we should be concerned?

I'm from Bergen county, Jersey.....we have a bunch of "Blue Laws" resurrected whenever some politician or special interest wants to cause you cannot hang laundry outside on Sunday....

or, more currently, I think what you are saying is analogous to the immigration laws....

there are laws about immigration on the books....look at the border....are they all being enforced????

so, IMO....we arrive at a point that while what you say may have some academic validity, on a practical level, I don't see the "big deal"....

I don't see the "slavery".....

I don't see the effectiveness of whatever this mysterious US corporation is supposed to do.....