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07/16/12 4:19 PM

#92 RE: 10 bagger #91

Never felt right with Kyle,former healthcare fund manager,and "business model of 1%-2% net at best" he represented; therefore "watch and no touching!"; also their style is Too "Wall Street" for me to sleep well at night!!

There is an "old sore thumb" stock flirting at me,no makeup,no body,and no.....; but its kind of cute(beer goggle) once you are used to it,and started liking it more and more;it may just pull itself out of the dump and ?????? The stock is our "old flame":djrt.....coming to life and sexy?????

ps- Problem: without beer goggle,I still like it: LOVE!!! I'm in trouble. I guess it is my term to be the "Sugar Daddy!"


07/17/12 3:12 PM

#93 RE: 10 bagger #91

AMEH .50!!!!!!!!! what the heck happened?