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07/15/12 1:35 AM

#3265 RE: teq0904 #3264

"tech is the only thing that counts"

This is not always true. I was in a company that had the tech and the patents, which were always being challenged in patent court (their patents were always upheld). They also sued and won lawsuits protecting their patents. However the company decided to borrow money from a scam outfit who, over time, gained control of the company and all of the shareholders lost a lot of money. The company is Neomedia. Just ask nascrazy about his experience.


07/15/12 9:06 AM

#3266 RE: teq0904 #3264

quote "because tech is the only thing that counts"

Not true. Great management is needed to monetize the tech. I care about profits (mostly). A great tech with poor management will just leave a bankrupt company to be liquidated for scraps.

Natcore is part of my speculation portfolio. The speculation from this board regarding Natcore is what I enjoy reading. Until natcore becomes a big board company with predictable earning I encourage lots of opinions and speculation to be shared. Well positive posts that is, regarding others input.


07/15/12 10:17 AM

#3268 RE: teq0904 #3264

teq, on this count i disagree with you emphatically.

Formulation and execution of a business plan is not an addition to the IC portfolio. It is the multiplier.


07/15/12 6:27 PM

#3270 RE: teq0904 #3264

I think you can learn to dispel with the insults in future. Not appreciated. The name is CosmicRambler.

Apparently you also are not a veteran of any type as are a bunch of others. It shows.

I was asking about Chuck's military service for a purpose. It helps understand the guy. Much of what he was involved with is all about leadership. It IS NOT something that just goes away after your service is over. Many veterans refocus and are able to reuse what they have learned / experienced in later life. It can help form what makes you tick. It can provide a very broad range of experience in a short time.

It can provide a depth of ability maybe more difficult to gain in many civilian type experiences. Many veterans I would say are superior folks in the core principles of what you want in a good businessman. Especially in areas like ethics, honesty, being able to operate in many areas other than just what is related to technical whatever and just getting a job done, even if difficult. More able to focus on it like a mission.

I would have expected some of that to have happened with Chuck. So much of any business is related to the peeps involved. You can have all the technology in the World, success is not automatic. You need those in charge to have a range of skills, including first rate business views. You want them to be able to understand and relate to the hired help in great depth. The leadership thing never dies.

More about team work, everybody doing their job 110%, Chuck's background probably did help form the man a lot. I expect he is a fairly good leader, which is far harder to find than many will admit. A good leader will understand other peeps and pick the right new hires for the company. Leadership is a strange thing in many forms. That prior experience does not disappear, in many cases it is critical, far harder to sell a man like that with some schoolboy story.

I did find he was involved with the final evacuation of the Nam. Apparently was well regarded by the authors. Be interesting to have more info on his assignments up to getting involved in Natcore. I believe he is a quite principled man, I'll take that first, superior technology is nice, but somebody must guide and develop it. Good team at Natcore, glad Chuck has seen some of the real World from different angles. Too many flash business wonders haven't. Way too many have only their own self interest at heart. Lot I would not follow as far as I can puke.

I've known a fair number of folks with backgrounds similar to Chuck's. Most were the type of folks I really trust being in charge. Sad that the two running for President have zero guiding principles, neither are veterans, it shows in many regards. That experience is not wasted when you have to make tough decisions. Think before you try to put Chuck down. I haven't met him, would like too.

Still nobody answered the original question, how much info is out there on his military and other service before Natcore?