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first mike

07/14/12 3:06 PM

#45822 RE: BOOYAHH! #45817

This may become a failed company that was very close to great things.

Or it may become a great company that was never close to failure except in the minds of its detractors.

Mike L.

first mike

07/14/12 3:19 PM

#45825 RE: BOOYAHH! #45817

Why do you feel kim is a capable genius? A capable genius would have had this to market by now, partners would be announced, things would be progressing.

A capable genius would have taken a wild pipe dream and turned it into reality.
Or perhaps a capable genius would merely have recognized a dream whose time had come, and assembled the right team to be the first to implement the newly possible technology, and nail it down with patents and licenses so that all of the profit from the new disruptive technology could be funneled into one small start up company.

Mike L.