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07/13/12 12:12 PM

#74125 RE: museman #74120

muse, the key is the margin. The rev will be there, but we have to see the improved margins. In Q-1 Jeff charged off some production run start up costs that should yield better production costs for Q-2 and therefore, better margins/profits.

I am assuming they are improved as Jeff stated it in the last PR, I believe.
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07/13/12 1:40 PM

#74138 RE: museman #74120

Hi, 'pilgrim'! Now, as the old Duke might have said: "Sorry, pilgrim, but you just said sumptin' that I can't see eye to eye with you about'' from out of your post, namely:

''Couple that with former lackluster response to news....''

Ever since Sunday, April 22nd, when JR gave his live interview on SST RADIO, and then the WONDERFUL pr on the very next Monday, and then 2 more great pr's that week, and then a couple of more over the next couple of months, etc, there was in the beginning hardly anything that any reasonable person could construe as lack-luster buying interest coming into the stock, as beginning on that fateful Monday of the 23rd of APRIL, but unfortunately, there was also the'DARTH SELLER(s?) sitting right there, also!!! Just waiting to pounce on any & all of the TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF BUYING THAT STARTED TO COME INTO KMAG at that time! BUT because of continually & persistently being beaten down after every pr, all of the buying interest that was coming in to the stock began to wane, little by little, so that, finally, even after several subsequent good pr's came out, the potential buyers just became lack-luster & convinced that their buying was going to be of no avail! Except for all of us die-hard long types, who, not being so impatient for the immediate fattening of our wallets, have been steadily & indefatigably buying & holding, buying & holding, and buying & holding some more, and we will continue to, because of the so very good fundamentals & financials, etc. Just one evidence to that fact: our # of board followers has INCREASED from 500 or so circa the 1st of May, when chessplaya first wrote his wonderful post/gameplan, to circa 620, where it is now! So, our followers are increasing in a wonderful way, as we head for Q2 &Q3, during a time when, if it were any other pos pinky, the followers would be DECREASING down to zilch! Hardly lack luster, IMO! And the ONLY justifiable explanation for this kind of CONTINUED SLOW & STEADY BUYING, by the more long type of buyers/investors, HAS TO BE DUE TO THE TREMENDOUSLY STRONG & GOOD & POSITIVE fundamentals & financials, that discerning investors, such as yourself, lowman, pistol pete, GOLD BUFFALO, JAIME, FLYFISHERMAN, SMITTER, BLUEDRAGON, BERDMAN, pdgoldy, HUNTER7, zgraen, renegade, carmil, JohnR, Gatsby, Goodspeed, etc, etc KNOW to be true about this company & its stock! So, just as GOLD BUFFALO has said: ''Various players (and not to include you!) have attempted to blow holes in the fundamentals & financials of KMAG, and even to slanderously & libelously attack our CEO, Jeff Reid, but all to no avail! And the day that ''they'' can ever do that, then it will be all over, brother, and the fat lady will have sung her dirge! But all of us, as listed above, and many others besides us, know & therefore have faith based on all of the much EVIDENCE & FACTS, that so far have been irrefutable! So, as they say: Do your DD & know what you own. And so, we know what we own, and therefore, there is hardly anything 'lack-luster' about it, but rather only a patient & untiring waiting for our EXUBERANT EXPECTATIONS FIND FULFILLMENT! So, hardly lack-luster, by any stretch of the imagination, IMO!I LOVE YA, JOHN! So, PLEASE! Don't be PO'ed at your ol' pal, Jaime, OK? Just felt like I had to rebutt your opinion about the lack-luster interest & actual buying interest that KMAG has had, is having, will have! For just imagine how many hundreds, if not thousands of players, are sitting on the sidelines, just waiting, like an ARIZONA or CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN LION, JUST WAITING TO POUNCE ON ITS DELICIOUS PREY--KMAG! And that, by HUGELY buying!!! SINCERELY & RESPECTFULLY submitted for your consideration, as one friend to another, Jaime. :) GO KMAG!