Very possible...
"We believed that our Private Equity Credit Agreements would provide substantially all of the financing needed by IDSI for its operations and the costs associated with the filing of our FDA application for marketing clearance. Unfortunately, the continued sale of stock through our Private Equity Credit Agreements caused dilution, a decline in the stock price, and the depletion of our available authorized shares."
Directly from the last Q......
"In fiscal 2010, fiscal 2011 and thus far in fiscal 2012, we have used the proceeds from short-term loans, long-term loans and proceeds from our Southridge Private Equity Credit Agreement for working capital. Going forward we intend to use the proceeds of draws from our Southridge Private Equity Credit Agreement and any successor private equity agreements with Southridge and/or alternative financing facilities, which may include additional short term and long term loans and issuance of convertible preferred stock, as our sources of working capital. Substantial additional financing will be required before and after receipt of FDA marketing clearance, assuming it is received, as to which there can be no assurance."
Just read the rest of the last quarterly..... or don't...... Fun riding the wave up but the crash hurts.