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07/12/12 9:37 AM

#73883 RE: BayouBengals #73882

It's actually six of one/half dozen of another.

KMAG longs would be much better off having that 54M hit the market now rather than down the road.

That's why a NOBO list would tell all, right now. If the 54M has already been 'disbursed', then the NOBO list would show a float of 609M shares worth of shareholders.

Though it'll all come out in the wash after the Q2 report, it'd be damn nice to know now. I'd sure hate to think we might be looking at a 54M dump of discounted shares in a week or two. J4P would definately get his .002's then.

And bad as that might sound, it's a damn sight better than getting slammed with 54M new shares when the pps is .01-.02-.05+.

This is why I say it'd be best if JR could just buy those shares, if they haven't already been 'disbursed'.