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07/11/12 4:35 PM

#38007 RE: Castell #38005

If you wait, perhaps Angel can surprise many tomorrow in a positive way.

gonna be freakin' hilarious for sure

He said in past PR's/Blogs he and the company were working to get it all together, ducks in a row to get this company rolling in a great direction.

expect more of the same BS tomorrow. seriously doubt it will be anything more than fluff, betcha not a single hard revenue number is spoken.


07/11/12 4:44 PM

#38008 RE: Castell #38005

Wait? All we ever do in penny land is WAIT!
Real CEOs and real companies do not act like these clowns. If Angel was such a bud genius with such an attractive business plan he would not need the nickels and dimes he panhandles for by use of his public shell game. CEOs here dupe the unsuspecting and earnest investors of their cash by blowing a hot topic full of smoke up everyone's ass.
I have a construction company with 3 yrs of receipts. I started with $40k in the worst economy in 20+ years. I have numerous lines of credit with material suppliers and I've never sought any form of toxic debt funding. In fact no alternate funding at all. I am over $1m annually for a 3 person office. I don't listen to clowns that talk about banks not lending or the tough credit times or whatever. I just know that our business plan works and the market is supportive of it.
In all my years of investing in these scam pipe dreams I have heard all sorts of promising ideas. Few ever succeed. Folks that intend to succeed typically do because they don't give up and more importantly because they are legit businesses.
Angel is a typical penny scam CEO. If I had Angel's business model I would get it going privately until highly profitable. Then and only then would I even consider going public. These ass clowns have no skin in the game, and even less integrity as human beings. They are here to take your money and spend it, then say, "sorry, it didn't work out".
The end!!