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07/11/12 9:44 AM

#7960 RE: the count1 #7959

Wonder what they have seen or heard? Wonder if other HUNTERS r angry about the attempted "Fisher take over". You know what i mean.


07/11/12 1:00 PM

#7966 RE: the count1 #7959

I agree with the three ring circus statement. Has anyone ever wondered why ORRV is to receive a percentage of the emeralds in the first place? Jay never said he had help recovering the emeralds unless I missed that part. So why is ORRV involved? Why was over a hundred million ORRV shares issued out just days before an anonymous poster posted the photos of the emeralds? Could have Jay knew he would be in court with the Fishers over this deal and went to ORRV to try and wash the emeralds having been discovered by ORRV in the Kirby Group area of Woman Key? <Sounds good lets give it a try, here is 120 million shares of ORRV>. Problem is that the Kirby Group would have to receive their fifty percent and the shareholders of ORRV would be receiving their percentage. <Maybe that isn’t a good idea after all lets get a lawyer and see what he says>. And this is all documented. The time frame of the discovery, to the shares being issued, to the time an admiralty lawyer was brought in, to the new location of the find. This case given to even the worse private investigators could prove this was a scam from day one, Everybody hoping ORRV gets a five percent share and that is good news? Imagine if the whole find had been dumped in ORRV’s lap. That I am sure was the original plan. And there is a slight possibility the emeralds came from Woman Key area and if that was what happened every one of us would be rich. Every one of us little guys.
But the little guy got greedy.
It is so easy to see, just follow the trail. Shares issued, anonymous poster posting photos with threats to tell all if something isn’t done. He disappears and then a lawyer is hired then the photos showing the emeralds in shallow water now become in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico then the emeralds had been handed out and polished and returned for court dates. This is no way over. Hopefully when the Fishers are exhausted the Kirby group steps in as this was the only legal permit ORRV had to even be legally working in the Keys.
In the Keys and surrounding state and federal waters YOU NEED A PERMIT to salvage anything. And they don’t give them out anymore. That’s why the Fishers who worked so hard to have a permit and the legal mess they went through to secure their finds want and in my opinion deserve the truth. Then you have the other permit holders wondering why they jump through so many legal hoops to keep their permits only to see anyone can stumble upon something so grand and and fabricate a story that fits and hey no problem they can just keep it?
I think the whole emphasis should be on why so many ORRV shares were handed out prior to the announcement of the discovery? And to whom were they given too? And as I started out with WHY DOES ORRV SHARE IN ANY OF THE FIND?
Heres what I believe. I witnessed firsthand what happened to all the lower keys after hurricane Wilma. All the north facing shores were stripped of sand and not just a little I seen in some cases ten to twelve feet. I walked the north shore of the Marqueases Keys and actually seen the timbers of a ship. I had remembered testimony from the very first salvagers finding the side of the hull of the Atocha on the north shore of the Maqueases just days after the Atocha sank. I am mad as hell I never went back to investigate these timbers. The story was told that coins were found on this section of the ship and that the Indians had coins in their possession. Sure seems likely that emeralds could have found their way up there too. The first photos of the emeralds show exactly what that sea floor looks like in that area.
And if that is the case then the Fishers would have the rights to the emeralds.
Just my opinion nothing more.
Good luck to ORRV shareholders.

I have over 45yrs living and diving in the Keys this photo is about 6 to 12 feet deep not at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico